Food Cravings

Food Cravings!

Do you crave those foods that you know are not good for you?

Do you eat them and then feel worse?

Don’t feel bad, this is the body telling you that you need particular foods and nutrients.

Food is heavily connected to the way you feel and I am not just talking about a chocolate fix!

What you eat plays an important part in how you feel and function, not just on the same day but for days and weeks later.

When you crave chocolate it often means you are magnesium deficient. This is a common one!

If you crave fats like butter and peanut butter it may mean you are lacking in omega fatty acids or calcium.

Carbohydrate cravings for things like pasta, biscuits and baked goods can indicate a Tryptophan deficiency and you should try eating protein instead of carbs.

Cheese cravings can indicate calcium deficiency or Vitamin D deficiency and you would be better to consume nuts and seeds over cheese.

Bread cravings can indicate a nitrogen deficiency and eating protein sources would be a better option.

Cravings for salty foods can indicate chloride, potassium or vitamin C deficiency.

Ice cravings are a sign of iron deficiency and this one should always be checked out by your GP.

So if you are feeling you have a nutrient deficiency then book a nutritional consult


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